Mali: Technical Assistance Report

PREFACEAt the request of the Malian Ministry of Finance, a technical assistance mission visited Bamakoduring August 12–21, 2013. The purpose of the mission was to identify issues and options thatneed to be considered when adopting an automatic petroleum product pricing mechanism. Themission was led by Mr. Mark De Broeck and also comprised Mr. Kangni Roland Kpdodar(both from the IMF's Fiscal Affairs Department).The mission met with Mr. Mamadou Traoré, Minister of Economy and Humanitarian Action,Mr. Abdel Karim Konaté, Minister of Finances, Mr. Makan Tounkara, Minister of Energy andWater, Mr. Ibrahima Dansako, Deputy Director General of ONAP, Mr. Moumouni Dembélé,Director General Customs, and Mr. Mahamadou Lamine Samaké, Deputy Director General,Taxation Directorate-General, Ministry of FinanceThe mission also met with the stakeholders in fuel pricing issues represented in the fuel pricemonitoring commission, including representative from consumer advocacy groups, domesticand international oil companies, transport associations, and mining companies. The mission'sfindings were discussed with World Bank staff. The mission is grateful to all its interlocutorsfor the cooperation and fruitful discussions.The mission would like to express its sincere appreciation for the excellent cooperation, supportand logistical assistance from ONAP staff, in particular from it received from Ministry ofEconomy and Finance officials, in particular from Mr. Modibo Diall, Chief of the Statistics andAdministration Department, the mission's main counterpart.The mission is also very grateful to the staff of the IMF Resident Representative's Office. Mr.Op de Beke, the Resident Representative, Mr. Bakary Traoré, the Office's economist, providedfirst-rate assistance with organizing the mission at short notice and very valuable advice on themission's work. Mrs. Nafissatou Koné, the Office's administrative assistant, provided excellentsupport.
Publication date: February 2014
ISBN: 9781475565379
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