Banks As Coordinators of Economic Growth

This paper formally identifies an important role of banks: Banks competitively internalize production externalities and facilitate economic growth. I formulate a canonical growth model with externalities as a game among consumers, firms, and banks. Banks compete for deposits to seek monopoly profits, including externalities. Using loan contracts that specify price and quantity, banks control firms' investments. Each bank forms a firm group endogenously and internalizes externalities directly within a firm group and indirectly across firm groups. This unique equilibrium requires a condition that separates competition for sources and uses of funds. I present a realistic institution that satisfies this condition.
Publication date: November 2006
ISBN: 9781451865240
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Banks and Banking , Finance , Bank-oriented financial system , bank control , firm group , interbank market , deposit rate , bond , banking , financial system , Noncooperative Games , Exchange and Production Economies , One , Two , and Multisector Growth Models
