Côte d'Ivoire : Second Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility, Request for Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria, and Financing Assurances Review: Staff Report; Staff Statement; Press Release on the Executive

Second Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility, Request for Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria, and Financing Assurances Review: Staff Report; Staff Statement; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussio

Economic activity strengthened in Côte d'Ivoire in 2009, but it is expected to decelerate. Financial performance under the Extended Credit Facility-supported program was broadly satisfactory. Good progress was made in restructuring external debt. The program is in line with the agreed reform goals, but reflects the constraints imposed by the pre-election political situation. Tight expenditure management remains critical for the success of the program. Structural reforms are essential to strengthen growth. The risks to the program are high but manageable.
Publication date: July 2010
ISBN: 9781455205844
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debt , budget , financial sector , deficit , budget execution
