Excerpt: Can Abenomics Succeed?

Overcoming the Legacy of Japan's Lost Decades

Editor: Mr. Dennis P Botman, Mr. Stephan Danninger, and Mr. Jerald A Schiff

Since the bursting of the bubble, Japan has been unable to sustain economic recoveries. Monetary policy was unable to beat deflation, structural reforms failed to lift potential growth, and fiscal measures were insufficient to reverse the path of ever rising public sector debt. Japan’s revitalization plan dubbed the “three arrows of Abenomics” devises a three-pronged strategy—combining fiscal, monetary, and structural policies—to overcome these problems. Amid a more challenging external environment and an aging population, Japan may well face its last opportunity to avoid a highly disruptive fiscal crisis and restore sustainability in a smooth manner instead. The book discusses mutually reinforcing reforms on several fronts, including aggressive monetary easing, growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, and structural and financial sector reforms to revive animal spirits and stimulate potential growth.
Publication date: January 2015
ISBN: 9781498385183
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Japan , Lost decades , Abenomics , Population aging , Structural reforms , Deflation , Quantitative easing , Debt sustainability , Financial sector stability , Spillovers
