Excerpt: Future of Asian Finance

This paper is an excerpt from The Future of Asian Finance. Asia demonstrated remarkable resilience throughout the global financial crisis and its aftermath. But new challenges have emerged in the region's economies. This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the state of Asia's financial sector, the challenges going forward, and the changes that can be expected. It takes stock of how systems in Asia's advanced and emerging market economies compare with the rest of the world and how reforms to develop equity and bond markets have progressed. Chapters discuss how Asian financial systems will evolve in complexity and interconnectedness and what this means for the regional financial centers of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Singapore. Other topics covered in the book include: harnessing the region's demographic dividend to finance infrastructure, the state of economic and financial integration in Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the role of capital flows, how changes to the global regulatory regimes will affect Asian financial systems, and policy responses to address the region's present and future challenges.
Publication date: August 2015
ISBN: 9781513581187
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MISC PUBS , Misc , , bond market , growth model , economy , corporate bond bond market , Asia's financial systems
