Excerpt: Well Spent: How Strong Infrastructure Governance Can End Waste in Public Investment

This book addresses how countries can attain quality infrastructure outcomes through better infrastructure governance.
Publication date: July 2020
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MISC PUBS , Misc , , governance , infrastructure governance , spending , country , investment spending


Drawing on the Fund’s analytical and capacity development work, including Public Investment Management Assessments (PIMAs) carried out in more than 60 countries, the new book Well Spent: How Strong Infrastructure Governance Can End Waste in Public Investment will address how countries can attain quality infrastructure outcomes through better infrastructure governance—an issue becoming increasingly important in the context of the Great Lockdown and its economic consequences. It covers critical issues such as infrastructure investment and Sustainable Development Goals, controlling corruption, managing fiscal risks, integrating planning and budgeting, and identifying best practices in project appraisal and selection. It also covers emerging areas in infrastructure governance, such as maintaining and managing public infrastructure assets and building resilience against climate change.