Finance and Development, June 2021

Amid a multispeed economic recovery - including within countries and across sectors, age groups, genders, and skill levels—this issue explores several cross-cutting themes for emerging markets.
Volume/Issue: Volume 0058 Issue 002
Publication date: June 2021
ISBN: 9781513577791
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Exports and Imports , Finance , Economics- Macroeconomics , Public Finance , International - Economics , emerging market growth , integrity risk , BRICs promise , jobs dilemma , employer flexibility , Emerging and frontier financial markets , Income inequality , COVID-19 , Defense spending , Monetary unions , Global , Africa , Asia and Pacific , West Africa , Europe , Caribbean , South Asia


Amid a multispeed economic recovery—including within countries and across sectors, age groups, genders, and skill levels—this issue explores several cross-cutting themes for emerging markets.