IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO) Update, January 2009:Global Economic Slump Challenges Policies

World growth is projected to fall to ½ percent in 2009, its lowest rate since World War II.
Volume/Issue: Volume 2009 Issue 003
Publication date: January 2009
ISBN: 9798400229213
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Economics- Macroeconomics , International - Economics ,


World growth is projected to fall to ½ percent in 2009, its lowest rate since World War II. Despite wide-ranging policy actions, financial strains remain acute, pulling down the real economy. A sustained economic recovery will not be possible until the financial sector's functionality is restored and credit markets are unclogged. For this purpose, new policy initiatives are needed to produce credible loan loss recognition; sort financial companies according to their medium-run viability; and provide public support to viable institutions by injecting capital and carving out bad assets. Monetary and fiscal policies need to become even more supportive of aggregate demand and sustain this stance over the foreseeable future, while developing strategies to ensure long-term fiscal sustainability. Moreover, international cooperation will be critical in designing and implementing these policies.