International Monetary Cooperation Since Bretton Woods

Publication date: June 1996
ISBN: 9781475506969
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Banks and Banking , Exports and Imports , Inflation , Money and Monetary Policy , BOOK , country , government , deutsche mark , dollar , British government , economic system , economic reform , sterling area , unit of account , Currencies , Exchange rates , Inflation , Gold , Europe , Global , East Asia , Sub-Saharan Africa , Africa


This comprehensive history, published jointly by the IMF and Oxford University Press, was written to mark the fiftieth anniversary of international monetary cooperation. From the establishment of the postwar international monetary system in 1944 to how the framework functions in a vastly expanded world economy, historian Harol James describes the tensions, negotiations, challenges, and progress of international monetary cooperation. This narrative offers a global perspective on the events and decisions that have shaped the world economy during the past fifty years.