Publications Catalog, Fall 2016

This paper provides policymakers, academics, and the public with valuable information about policies and institutions in China today, the road ahead, and key principles that can help in navigating it. The paper focuses on crucial issues in the country’s transformation, such as tax policy and administration, social security, state-owned enterprise reform, medium-term expenditure frameworks, the role of local government finances, Renminbi internationalization, and macroeconomic statistics. Women make up a little over half of the world’s population, but their contribution to measured economic activity and growth is far below its potential. Despite significant progress in recent decades, labor markets across the world remain divided along gender lines, and progress toward gender equality seems to have stalled. Women’s economic empowerment is critical for the overall economy. As research conducted both inside and outside the IMF shows, empowering women can boost economic growth, reduce income inequality, support export diversification, and strengthen corporate performance.
Publication date: October 2016
ISBN: 9781513507309
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