This paper presents Somalia’s Second and Third Reviews under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement, Request for Waiver of Nonobservance of a Performance Criterion, Modification of Performance Criteria, Interim Assistance, and Rephasing of Access and Extension of the Arrangement. The Somali authorities have preserved macroeconomic stability and maintained the reform momentum, notwithstanding multiple shocks. The authorities have affirmed their commitment to the objectives and policies underpinning the program supported by the Extended Credit Facility and the heavily indebted poor countries process. The authorities will continue strengthening domestic revenue mobilization, including customs modernization and increasing revenue collection from the telecom sector. Key reforms on public financial management (PFM) include issuance of the PFM regulations and payroll integration. The authorities are also working toward harmonizing the legal framework for the extractive industries. Notwithstanding the multiple challenges, the authorities have met most of the conditionality established at the first review. Since then, they have also taken steps to preserve macroeconomic stability and continued to implement policies in line with the objectives of the program, in close collaboration with IMF.