Spillover Effects and the East African Community

Explaining the Slowdown and the Recovery

The East African Community (EAC) countries-Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Rwanda-have been affected by the global financial crisis and global recession. The fall in global demand and inflows and tighter liquidity conditions abroad affected the countries in this region as elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa. But how hard have countries in the EAC been hit? Have the spillovers from the global crisis affected countries in the region as much as other countries in the sub-Saharan region? Have the transmission channels or magnitudes of the spillovers been different across EAC countries? How can these countries return quickly to a path of sustained high growth? What is the role for policy? Would acceleration of regional integration and policy coordination help achieve this goal? Would it make the region less susceptible to shocks? This paper focus on the EAC countries and attempts to address these questions.
Publication date: December 2009
ISBN: 9781455245161
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This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Economics / General , International - Economics , Public Policy , gdp growth , world growth , real gdp , commodity prices , domestic demand , growth rates , international financial statistics , export prices , oil prices , international financial , terms of trade , external shocks , fiscal deficits , fiscal space , capital flows , fiscal policy , regi
