After decades of rapid growth and improvements in living standards, a series
of shocks led to severe economic pressures, and the public investment-led growth
model has reached its limits. Domestic conflict, the pandemic, droughts, and spillovers
from Russia’s war in Ukraine, as well as significant exchange rate overvaluation and
insufficient macroeconomic policy adjustment, compounded building vulnerabilities
resulting in high inflation, falling exports, foreign exchange shortages, erosion of
international reserves, and unsustainable external debt. Reflecting their ambition to
transform the economic model towards private sector-led development, and
recognizing the urgent need for reform, the authorities developed the Home-Grown
Economic Reform Agenda. This ambitious plan aims at tackling the drivers of economic
imbalances including through moving to a market-determined exchange rate,
modernizing the monetary policy framework, tackling fiscal revenues, and reforming
state-owned enterprises.